Doing a recap from yesterday's post we started with S in the S.M.A.R.T. acronym. Which is being Specific, you have to define what it is that you are really trying to accomplish. Remember if you are trying to lose 20 lbs, you have to first start with getting on the scale. Default Settings 101: Here an analogy, you have a cell phone that you are attempting to sell, there is a setting on your phone that sets it back to the way it was when you purchased. So, when I am referring to default settings I am talking about the un-renewed mindset.
Today, I am going to discuss the M in the S.M.A.R.T. acronym.
M- is Measurable. Using the 20 lbs again, how will you know if you are on track or not? This is where most of the momentum dies. We do not know how to measure or we measure incorrectly. What do I mean? See, the goal is 20 lbs over the course of a year. So, if 1 week you only lose a half of pound, you can't look at that as it's not working. You have to look at it as; I am a half of a pound closer to achieving the goal. That's why changing your default settings is important. This is the glue, when you have the proper measuring mechanism in place it allows you to see your progress. When you can see your progress, you will stay motivated to keep moving forward. Tomorrow we look at the A in the S.M.A.R.T. acronym.
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