
Monday, November 5, 2012

Stop the Silence!!!

In today's society and the way the media glorifies everything, it seems though that everything is "ok" to do. You have a show that shows teenagers getting pregnant, making it "ok" for teens to have sex giving the impression that they will be on TV. There are shows that portray women as being desperate, needy, bickering,never satisfied, unable to resolve conflict in a healthy way kind of people. There are shows where you have the ex-wives/girlfriends of athletes, that can't get a long. There are shows that show men not being men. The media is powerful, and it has us as people lost without direction.

The media even glorifies abuse. Be it physical, mental or verbal the media makes it "ok". I titled this Stop the Silence, because to many women/young ladies are in these abusive relationships and are to afraid to say anything. When you have a situation like Chris Brown beating up Rihanna, and then you see them together again, then the act is justified. What makes a person stay with someone that abuses them? Are you that afraid of being by yourself that you comprise your belief system? Is that how you define if someone loves you? Is  it what you growing up? Did you see it in the beginning, and thought is was going to change? Ladies, it is unexceptionable to be physically, verbally or mentally abused under any circumstance. You do not have to make it your standard. You have value and worth, and you get do better then what your are telling yourself. Take back the control of your life. Speak up, and speak out.  You have nothing to be ashamed of STOP EXCEPTING IT.

One out of every 4 women will experience some kind of domestic violence in her lifetime. Women are more likely to be killed by an intimate partner then men. Women the ages of 20-24 are more like to be victims of domestic violence. More then 60% of domestic violence happens at home. These statistics are on the Safe Horizon site. The most disturbing statistic is MOST ARE NEVER REPORTED. 

Ladies if you are in an abusive relationship and need assistance getting out please contact the police and get a restraining order, get help, do something. Also, you can contact the Safe Horizon for counseling . Say something, its not worth losing your life over. STOP THE SILENCE!!!!!

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