
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Power of Forgivness

It was the summer of 1995, and I was stationed in San Diego. It was a Friday around noon, and I was talking to my dad. We laughed and joked about me sending him a hat from my ship. I was telling how much fun I was having in San Diego.  He was asking me when was I coming back home. The last thing we said to each other was “I love you”.  I went about my day, it was Friday and that meant club time. While I was preparing to party like a rock star, my Dad was doing what he do; protecting our neighborhood. Here is a little history about where I grow up. My neighborhood was the roughest neighborhood in Indianapolis. There were gangs, shootings, muggings on the daily bases.  My Dad was a vigilantly, he fought off the gangs, he gave money to the kids, he feed all the homeless. He was considered a hero in my neighborhood.

To fast forward, while I was in the club my Dad was having an altercation with small time drug dealer. Who ended up shooting him 5 times with a 12 gauge shot gun.  While he fled, my Dad laid there dying. When I returned to the ship early that morning, I was called to see the Captain. I thought I was in trouble (I was very rebellious). When I walked in, he said I have some bad news” your Father has been killed”. My instant reaction was denial; just a few hours ago we were on the phone joking around.  When I spoke to my mother, she said it was true.  I was on the first plan leaving San Diego, going back to Indiana (in my Michael Jackson voice).

The whole time on the plane, I was plotting my revenge. I am going to fast forward to when I got home.   The guy hadn't been caught, and I had access to him. Since my Dad was very well known, it was very easy to find to dude that did it.  The thing about the hood, they will not talk to cops.  Obtaining a gun was very easy. My goal wasn't to kill the dude; I was going to shot him in his knee caps and in the palms of his hands.  I was ready to go handle my business, when my cousin shows up and ask me why I had a gun.  I told him my plan and he snatched me up. He said why are you going to throw your life away? He said you have too much to live for.  

After I thought about it, he was right.  So, I end up not going through with my plan.  I was still angry and upset. When I was interviewed by the media, I said “he has to answer to a higher power and I let it go”. At that time I didn't have a relationship with Christ….so, I didn’t have an understanding of forgiveness. I didn't get saved until 5 years later. My thought pattern was, I can’t change it…why worry about it.

I had every opportunity not forgive the guy the killed my Dad.  I could have held a grudge with him and God.”  14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins”. –Mathew 6:14-15. The blood of Jesus covers your sin; it does not cover the sin that someone commits against you. The only way to be forgiving is forgive.  Yeah, they hurt you…yeah they betrayed you….yeah they stole from you….yeah they lied on you. If you are a Christian, then you have to forgive them and it does not matter how much they hurt you. You are obligated to forgive. We are going into a year and there is no time like the present to forgive.


  1. That is powerful, thank you for posting.

  2. Hey big brother this is a wonderful thing you are doing. Now I dont have to miss the pep talks! :-)

    I sooo needed this today because sometimes we think we have it all togther when we really don't but thank God for his mercy and the fact that as long as we have breath its not to late to be set free from the BONDAGE and pain of unforgiveness. Unforgiveness is like a self inflicted gunshot wound. Its time for healings to take place!

  3. You are right Angela. Thank you for your support. Its time to get free from that foolishness. Let me know when you want me on the show ;-) .

    1. Lol...I havent forgotten about you. We look forward to working with you in 2013! :-)
